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Idea: Download Scheduler

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I wish to download an ad blocker definition file everyday to a certain folder for updating.

These two files:

Is there a program out there that can look at these links and download them automatically at a certain time of the day?
It will also need to support overwriting of the existing file in the directory that is user-defined.

Common download managers should be able to do (most of) this, e.g. Internet Download Manager (payware), or Free Download Manager (freeware).  I'm not sure you can automatically overwrite files, though that might be in configuration options that I've never bothered to check.  If not, you could probably do it with a batch file run after the download finishes.

Is there a program out there that can look at these links and download them automatically at a certain time of the day?
It will also need to support overwriting of the existing file in the directory that is user-defined.-Smobu (October 13, 2010, 05:54 PM)
--- End quote ---

You could accomplish the downloading and moving of files with just a few lines of AutoHotkey.  You could then create an entry in the Windows Task Scheduler to run it at a certain time.  If you want the script wholly self-contained, that can be done, too.  However, it will need to run in the background to be able to check what time it is.  Small AHK scripts typically take just a few megs of memory so running it in the background shouldn't be an issue.

A self-contained autohotkey script would be nice because I can live with a small script running in the background. :)

What time would you like this to run?


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