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Portable apps suites - is there a good one?

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I would use portable apps more but having to constantly update them can be a real pain in the butt-techidave (September 07, 2010, 09:55 PM)
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there are apps around that supposedly do this, though whether or not they would work in a portable environment I have no idea

but do you really need to constantly update?

Unless there's a requirement (ie AV tools), or there's a significant bug or functionality gap you shouldn't really need to, and if it's buggy or function poor then you'll probably be looking for a replacement instead of an update

FWIW I never use launcher.  YMMV, but most of the time the first thing I do is fire up the file manager of choice which gives me access to all the apps anyway - if I was really pushed I'd probably knock something up in AHK...

Target, I also used to just open my file manager.  but after configuring LBC, I'll never go back.  I'd give LBC a shot before trying to AHK it on my own.

Deozaan: about a portable app updating utility?  How would one go about doing that?
-superboyac (September 07, 2010, 10:12 PM)
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I think is working on the next version of their launcher thingy that will update their apps. Not sure how far out it is though.

EDIT: It's in beta which you can try out here:

techidave: about a portable app updating utility?  How would one go about doing that?

 :up: :up: :up:

I did start looking at LBC last nite but didn't get very far with it other than installing it.


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