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General brainstorming for Note-taking software

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OK, yes I'll admit that I did gloss over Info Select rather quickly, but there was reason for it.  First of all, you can't download a trial of it.  That alone almost makes it inaccessible, because nobody is going to pay $250 to just see how IS works.  But, a couple of years ago, I actually was able to try someone else's copy of IS for a little bit, and it was ok, nothing spectacular.  It was too cluttered and and confusing for my tastes and I never got a sense of why it was so good or powerful.  That being said, I felt the same way about SQLNotes (read my first post in that thread).  So maybe I just didn't give it a chance.
However, I seriously doubt that it can top SQLNotes in most ways.  But I'll let Armando and other more experienced users with both programs say for sure.  it's more of a gut feeling than anything else.
One interesting thing is that both SQLNotes and Info Select were (I think) billed as ECCO replacements.  So they can be compared that way.  Find the old ECCO users and ask them which program they like better.  I'm 90% they will say SQLNotes.

Info Select = Long established program for Windows and Palm. No PPC or smartphone version.
All that suggests a company/product not really at the cutting edge in product development and it looks a bit old fashioned too (not necessarily a bad thing, but ...)

OTOH, 2007 does run on Linux under Crossover.
And $50 a year, always with the most recent version, does not seem bad value when compared to the exhorbitant cost of a purchase (& $100 an upgrade!).

Since there is now a 30 day trial, I can imagine that I would consider it if/when my new current system seems to be failing in a place Info Select might address. But not otherwise.

Yes it's true that Infoselect now has a trial. It's not for everyone, but it's powerful.

I discovered a very cool program yesterday that might be a god sent for some. It's called PowerGrep. It will allow you to grab paragraphs of text from word files, and many other file types and create new files from those searches or copy them to the clipboard. For me this is the big thing missing from Word. Anyhow, I just thought I'd put that one out there. I know some Linux users and others have been telling people to use text files and grep. Well, that's a pretty cool idea. But with PowerGrep you can do this with pdf files, excel files, word files, xml, text, html!

The way I see it is that we are all suffering from information overload. Filtering is the key. So, if you have a brilliant editor, which Word is, and a program to filter tagged paragraphs, you're in business as a writer.

Here's my current setup: Evernote for web clipping and quick random notes, Word for writing (using outline view), Copernic search, PowerGrep, Endnote for research database, and Clipmate for grabbing and storing clips of all sorts, and for storing my tag lists.

Has anybody tried just using Word Docs/Pdfs/Excel/text notes to store their information and using a desktop search engine to tie them all together? I am considering just using a well thought out directory structure and individual documents. The structured folders would do just as well as tagging would in say Evernote and it seems that Copernic would be able to get me just as quick access as any of the dedicated programs do.

The portability of this is very appealing to me. Not to mention that I don't have to have another program running in the background. It is just as easy to print a web page to pdf as it is to clip to OneNote or Evernote.

Yes, I've done that. The portability/reliability aspect was/is important to me. See my system as presented there. I've decided to not use rigourously folders though : not as easy to manage.
I'm still doing it but now complement it with other tools for more precise database and more flexibility (cloning files, adding more attributes/properties to files, etc... : so I use SQLNotes).


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