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Other Software > Developer's Corner

All about FBSL!

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FBSL has no GUI limits in theory.
The only limit known is that you are limited to 16 million parameters to any Api calls :)
The other limit is the amount of RAM you have onto your PC :)
With FBSL, one can subclass any control, all events are available and no special wrapper has been settled : this also avoids to limit the language!


Cool.  I went through the first GUI tutorial last night... and kept getting a "This variable is locked error."  I copied and pasted from the help file.  Any ideas?  The GUI window would come up but no richedit box came up.  Any attempt to resize crashed the program until I changed one of the variables in the resize sub (I think it was hRichText to hRich... but not sure).



Cool.  I went through the first GUI tutorial last night... and kept getting a "This variable is locked error."  I copied and pasted from the help file.  Any ideas?  The GUI window would come up but no richedit box came up.  Any attempt to resize crashed the program until I changed one of the variables in the resize sub (I think it was hRichText to hRich... but not sure).

-kfitting (February 08, 2006, 05:57 AM)
--- End quote ---

Yes, i have to renew my old skool tutos...
BTW, it works if you test amongst the 200 provided scripts by the setup :)
The problem into the GUI tutorials is that they date back from FBSL v2 and into that version Fbsl_RichEdit existed, but v3 has revolutionned all those extra grammar GUI functions, and we now have only one function that allows you to create ANY GUI control at runtime that is to say the use of Fbsl_Control().
But one can easily create an 'Fbsl_Richedit' thanks to MACRO that Fbsl handles with ease !

--- ---LoadLibrary("Riched20.dll")
'// RichEdit control
Macro Fbsl_Richedit( Caption, hWnd, ID, X, Y, Width, Height ) = FBSL_Control (_
"richedit20a", hWnd, Caption, ID, X, Y, Width, Height,_

This way, you've just created 'Fbsl_Richedit' and you can use it with ease :)

Don't forget Fbsl has BASIC language inheritance, but has also the best of C/C++ background can provide, that is to say MACRO (#define in C/C++) and CLASS ( pseudo classes a la C++ ) but more easy to use, but all in all, Fbsl represents 5 continuous years of work and we now have a mature language, even if it can look Basic, Fbsl is not only a basic language, it can provide much more that you could have imagined, so please read the help file, execute all samples and study'em, i bet my trousers you'll be amazed ;)


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