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Synchronizing a few folders between two machines?

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+ 1 for DSynchronize

I recently had a look at bvckup and it's incredibly promising, the installer is just around 400kbB and it's already such a powerful product.  I like the delta update feature, plus all the bonuses added by the developer.  I strongly recommend that anyone reading this thread give it a try :) !
-MerleOne (September 20, 2010, 09:53 AM)
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MerleOne, glad to see you like Bvckup. 8) For a small program, it is amazingly efficient in terms of its features. Of course, there are more powerful/robust programs with more capabilities. And then there are even smaller apps with less features (see Mirror for example).

Bvckup seems to hit the mark for me. :Thmbsup: Even though there's currently no documentation (AFAIK), I found the features easy to comprehend right away. The delta and realtime sync capabilities are very nice. Lots of potential here!

I hope to see an update soon. Seems the development has slowed a bit in recent months.

+ 1 for DSynchronize
-joiwind (September 20, 2010, 12:03 PM)
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I'm keeping this portable tool as well. Even smaller than Bvckup (but without delta sync function). This app hasn't been updated in some time, but it works just fine as is.

Hard to believe such a small app can provide so many scheduling choices (ie. "timer sync" section) including realtime sync, but it works very well here. The preview mode is a nice feature as well--more sync tools should have this built in.

Anybody know this program named BK? It looks like a useful little backup tool comparable to Karen's Replicator. Not sure I need another backup/sync utility at this point, but those who want compression might check it out.
BK is a freeware,fast and simple backup utility. Some features are:
 - Backup scheduling and automation.
 - Verification mode.
 - Volume Shadow Copy service support (if enabled and running on your operative system).
 - Software compression

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Jibz : so what did you choose exactly ? :)
-Armando (August 28, 2010, 08:47 PM)
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Good question. Since there are a multitude of sync tools available, I'm also curious about Jibz's choice(s). :)


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