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Screenshot Captor Question


I like to take screenshots of shipping. To do this I log into a webcam that is set to the ship channel that updates the image once every minute. As I don't know exactly when a ship will pass, I need to set up the programme to capture each screenshot, as it changes every minute. I do this now with Linux and all it required was a simple bash script. With Linux I set the script to capture 600 images, timed at 60 second intervals. This means that the programme runs for ten hours without me having to do anything to it. I then go through it, keep the images I want, then delete the rest.

Now I need  to be able to do the same as I do with Linux but using Windows instead. Will Screenshot Capture do the same thing. If it does, would someone kindly give me some pointers as to how to go about it.

Any help will be appreciated.

You could do this by setting the timer to capture a new screenshot every 60 seconds.

But then i would encourage you to explore the more specific tools designed to interface to a webcam and look for changing images and automatically snap a new image whenever the image changes.  There are some good ones, mainly focused on security application use that do this.

I actually have a new application that interfaces to a webcam and could easily be modified to do such stuff and will be released at the end of this year, so depending on what you find i might be willing to release something.  Let us know what you find.

Thank you for your prompt reply. Maybe if I show you what I do it might help:

When I find a new webcam that I am interested in I find out the source as you will see in the bash script below.

#numberofloops=240; for ((i = 0; $i < $numberofloops; i++));  do wget -O $(date +%Y-%m-%d)_$i.jpg;  sleep 30;  done; shutdown -h now

The above runs every 30 seconds for 240 loops. By using the URL I get the full size image off the camera. It runs in the Terminal (C: prompt) which means it can run in the background while it does its job. When it does the last loop it then shuts the whole system down.

When I run Screen Captor I only get the small image that is active on the web page of the site. Multiples of images of that size are not really of interest to me.

Sincerely, Bill.


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