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Idea: DC Cody Tshirts customized for an interest area

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Perry Mowbray:
we can finally compete with all those countries that have terrible english translations on their t-shirts etc :D
-tomos (July 16, 2010, 02:35 AM)
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I hadn't thought of that... but that's a funny (if not totally PC) idea  ;D

is anything happening regarding the coding snacks t-shirt?

i thought i was still waiting for a final design?

hmm, right. does that mean i was meant to just design something and that was all?

i hadn't because i've been waiting for more feedback and comments about what the design is meant to be.

i just thought everyone had lost interest in the t-shirt(s).

@nudone: Can you make that vector image available?  I'll put something together with it...


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