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TV Controls (rant)

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My tv watching experience is dead simple. I just turn my tv on, set it to the pc input, and then open the tv guide in windows media center on my computer and select the channel I want to watch

Mine is even easier. 

I only watch something if I see 'red' ;D

Mostly I open the red NetFlix mailer and plop on what I want to watch.

For anything else, I have my GF do the screening and selecting. Her tastes match mine pretty closely (or vice-versa) after all these years. She's big on the science and Public Television channels so I'm covered for anything that's broadcast. 

Redhead + red envelopes.

Works for me. :Thmbsup: 

Redhead + red envelopes.
-40hz (July 06, 2010, 08:48 AM)
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Once again, you have good taste!  I have a little thing for redheads with curly hair....mmmm.


I remember YEARS ago when I was a kid and changing the channel was INSTANTANEOUS! Turning now is like waiting for the next ice age.
-Renegade (July 05, 2010, 02:27 PM)
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I remember YEARS ago, when I was a kid, changing the channel meant turning the knob to the next position where a copper switch contact would make.  It would be an instantaneous connection but then you had to adjust the "fine tuning" ring to get the picture in clearly.
And you HAD TO get up out of the chair and walk across the room to do it!

When I do watch TV, I can only watch something that's been recorded. I can't tolerate the endless commercial breaks. TV sitcoms used to do 22 minutes (for every 30) back in the day, but I think these modern reality shows (Pawn Stars, DIY network, Food porn, Cake Boss, et al.) only throw up about 18-19 minutes tops. I've yet to go digital since I can't afford a widescreen TV. Honest.

I've noticed that every single reality show family gets incredibly rich, from the psycho Kate Gosselin to the Chopperheads in New York to those smug little people in Oregon. In every show, they're always building monster businesses or mansions after they've been on the air for a while. Oh, and don't forget the world travel for everyone.


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