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Which app stays open on your desktop all day?

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In a followup to "Software I Love," I'm wondering which software app stays open on your desktop all day?

I'll confess that besides the browser (NetCaptor) and ExplorerPlus, it's UltraEdit. I'm in and out of it all day so there's no need to ever close it.

Hmm... I tend to close programs that aren't performing a task in the background when I'm not actively using them.  Still, I'd have to say that Firefox and Foobar2000 stay open the most on this machine.

the only non system tray apps i keep open are mirc and my launch bar Advanced Launcher.
but my system tray is  full: thebat, clipmate, find&run robot, filebox extender, macro express, ultramon, processs tamer, virtuawin, browsertrayswitch, pgp, and a couple more.

Well, if you want me to list my system tray stuff...

Cacheman, M-Audio Revolution toolkit, Outpost Firewall, Gmail Notifier, Minimizer-XP, Feedreader, BRS WebWeaver, Directory Opus, BPFTP Server, CLCL, Ghost It, Process Tamer, DoubleClickQuote, Gaim, Azureus, Samurize, CPUIdle, AntiVir, AllSnap, AudioSliders, SpeedFan, and Netlimiter.

Wow, you guys load up! In the tray I've got PGP, AI RoboForm, and OutPost Firewall.


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