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Saturn's moon Titan could host Aliens

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Perry Mowbray:
This is another thing I don't get:

Professor John Zarnecki, of the Open University, said: 'We believe the chemistry is there for life to form. It just needs heat and warmth to kick-start the process.
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Since when do heat and warmth (aren't those the same things?) magically create life out of dust?
-Deozaan (June 06, 2010, 11:11 PM)
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Maybe it's a reference to chemical processes happen 10% faster with every 1 degree rise in temperature: things just happen faster, or just happen if it's very cold to begin with  ;)

Perry Mowbray:
Since when do heat and warmth (aren't those the same things?)
-Deozaan (June 06, 2010, 11:11 PM)
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I'm not positive, but I did think this, and it seems to be alluded to by MacMillan:

* Heat (in physics) is generated by a reaction:
* Warmth is felt from an external source:
But I'm not positive  :-\

Never mind aliens, soon we will need to live there ourselves

For the amount of scientific evidence being offered to support that contention, you could also make an argument that it's the final resting place of the Lost Ark and the Secret Treasure of the Knights Templar!


To which I say:


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