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Instruction manual creation recommendations?

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Mostly it's a tool for technical documents although it's proponents wax poetic about it being ideal for just about everything. Like most good tools, it all depends on what you want to do.

As far as nice looking docs go, that's up for subjective debate. I've seen some truly beautiful documents come out of LaTeX. But graphic and print design is its own discipline so don't expect everybody that uses something like LyX to be a designer.

You'll see the same thing with people who use Scribus, Quark Xpress or Adobe InDesign. Such tools may make your work easier and present you with expanded possibilities. But they still can't work miracles - or add something that isn't already there.

All fair points. I just wonder, is it really ideal for something like documentation? I don't know, I'm honestly asking. :D

- Oshyan

Ah!  latex...i remember using that for my grad courses in stat/math.  it does offer more control over styling, that's for sure.  I would consider using it personally, but not at work.  It would bring up too many questions I have no desire to answer.

Thanks Pierre, i'll look into the Word add-ons.  40hz, I'll take a look at the versioning tools also.

Ah!  latex...i remember using that for my grad courses in stat/math.  it does offer more control over styling, that's for sure.  I would consider using it personally, but not at work.  It would bring up too many questions I have no desire to answer.
-superboyac (May 11, 2010, 12:39 AM)
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I hear you. I don't think there's a senior manager alive that didn't get the hots when hearing about the concept of WYGIWYM and think it was the answer to everything.

Yeah. Better forget LaTeX. You've got enough work to do already. :Thmbsup:


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