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[Feature request/Plugin idea] Access last window menus


It would be very cool if FARR could access other application's menus, like Quicksilver for Mac does. I was looking through the window api a bit and there is a possibility to get window menus using window handle, but I was unable to make it work. I could see problems with getting the menus of some apps like Office 2007 etc, but what I am really interested is to make it work with at least Notepad++.


May be you know the following already, but FWIW:

IIRC, QS used MacOS X's Accessibility API for this (at least at one point).  For Windows, there's:

with interesting-sounding tibdits like "UI Automation".  Don't know if any of that would be useful in the current context though.

AHK has WinMenuSelectItem and here's some extract from its docs:

...However, some windows might need to be in a non-minimized state.

This command will not work with applications that use non-standard menu bars. Examples include Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, which use disguised toolbars for their menu bars. In these cases, consider using ControlSend or PostMessage , which should be able to interact with some of these non-standard menu bars.

--- End quote ---

May be some of those things in combination with %LASTHWND% would let a plugin or alias do something relevant.


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