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In case you havent seen it,
this thread - Using FileHamster to keep track of status of a job - will give you more of an idea of the report window, & how I use it. I quote: It's not rocket science, but I've found it very helpful

thanks, i was wondering about this Report feature now that i've installed it. I was expecting the Report to give me a "report", as in, create a report as a file to read through. maybe that was a bit naive of me. i'm sure once i get to grips with how the report panel works i'll realise this is all i need.

i do like your system of using "comments" as "tags". not sure i need to do that but it's a good idea for if/when i do. i'm still adapting to this new layout so i can't offer any suggestions myself yet.

thanks, i was wondering about this Report feature now that i've installed it. I was expecting the Report to give me a "report", as in, create a report as a file to read through. maybe that was a bit naive of me. i'm sure once i get to grips with how the report panel works i'll realise this is all i need.
-nudone (July 28, 2010, 04:17 AM)
--- End quote ---

I've hardly used that aspect of it, but if you select relevant files there is an option in the context menu to export a report to spreadsheet or txt file.

ah, yes, very good. didn't see that export option.

i've now remembered why i wanted the report feature - posted a comment in the other thread:


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