ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > Circle Dock

To help us plan for the future, we want to know which Operating System you use.

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Thanks for the information. BTW, I use this other thing for bookmarks on my Mac: Circles . Do you think flash could be a workaround?

Thanks for the information. BTW, I use this other thing for bookmarks on my Mac: Circles . Do you think flash could be a workaround?
-Auskalo (March 26, 2010, 12:24 PM)
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I myself have seriously considered this, but knowing what I know and understand of the Circle Dock code.....I fear that any flash based replication would be so bloated that only a small percentage of computer on the marker would be able to use it properly, at least at this time.
Of course I am speaking of use of IBM/Windows OS based system....I am unaware of how MAC handles Flash, but I hear that MACs do not handle flash well at all.
My information could be wrong concerning MACs

Now; this is not to say that if someone wanted to try and program a Flash Based version that we would hinder them in any way....In fact I would support them in any way I could  :Thmbsup:

I'm on a Vista 64 quad core with 8 gig of RAM.Somebody tried to explain it all to me me once.Is it correct that most programs only use 2 cores ?  :tellme:

Archon of Fate:
most do... however some programs and games are starting to use quad core processors.

Vista 32-bit on this machine, Debian Linux in a VBox (which would never have a Circle Dock anyway because I don't want my Linux to be a Windows clone), XP 32-bit on the family PC.


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