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DONE: Faster boots combining hibernate and restart (Boot Snooze)

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possible ways to handle it:
1) options.  i don't mind an options file.
2) two exes, hiber-restart, sleep-restart
3) when you launch it with no commandline parameters it would show buttons for: "Restart then Hibernate","Restart then Sleep","Cancel"; you could also pass -rh or -rs as commandline option to specify a choice to take automatically.

possible ways to handle it:
1) options.  i don't mind an options file.
2) two exes, hiber-restart, sleep-restart
3) when you launch it with no commandline parameters it would show buttons for: "Restart then Hibernate","Restart then Sleep","Cancel"; you could also pass -rh or -rs as commandline option to specify a choice to take automatically.
-mouser (January 30, 2010, 10:52 AM)
--- End quote ---

Hahaha...I'd actually thought of #2 and #3 as well and had already written code to handle it like #3.  Let me finish it up...

Latest version...includes ability to hibernate or standby on next restart.  Countdown timer should work more reliably than previous version.

Website | Download
v1.0.1 - 2010-02-01
    * Boot Snooze now uses the RunOnce registry key.  (Thanks, wr975 & f0dder)

This is really looking good.

cranioscopical (and anybody else)...what the hell should we call this?


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