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Tech News Weekly: Edition 3-10

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Stoic Joker:
Looking at the links SKA posted, there seems to be conflicting accounts on the initial entry point (Chenix Wang does however strike me as being a bit more pragmatic & believe-able). Not to mention that if the object is stealth it makes no sense to go through the trouble to hack the same network twice ... Especially if round 2 involves targeting something that by design is supposed to be monitored, logged, and scrutinized to the Nth power.

Most likely (to me) is to quietly slip into the VPN (because that's the (LEO's access level) gravy chute), and then use a few of the internal machines to create a tantalizing distraction of complexity. Sure G2G is tricky to get into if designed properly, but C2G (hehe) not so much. All you really need is someone with a badge & an iPhone to ask a ("support") question...and time.

#9  ;D :D ;D :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :-* :-*

I'm posting that on my Facebook...  >:D >:D >:D


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