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Other Software > Developer's Corner

What's your *favorite* programming language and *why* ?

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One of those questions. There are many threads about programming languages here... "What's The best programming language to start with", etc. But...  I don't think that such a question has its own thread.

So :
(1) what's your favorite programming language (whether you're actually using it or NOT, doesn't matter)
(2) and why?

Subjectivity is allowed... [Edit : but... could we try avoiding as much as possible language wars... and so things like "my language is better than yours", and "your language is the worst" type of thing ? Thanks ;) ]

Forget it... I found a similar thread here

The title wasn't that obvious (or was it?) so I missed it.

Welcome back Armando...  :-[

Ok so we're already getting interesting answers -- different than the other less specific thread.
I'll remove my self deprecating comment...
So let's go : everyone interested to contribute a bit of their experience !

Fortran, the pinnacle of human achievement.  :P

Hmmm, how to call people who actually like to program in Fortran.....Fortransvestites?    :P

[/bad joke]

Perry Mowbray:
Hmmm, how to call people who actually like to program in Fortran.....Fortransvestites?    :P

[/bad joke]
-Shades (January 25, 2010, 11:27 PM)
--- End quote ---

That's interesting... don't bad jokes require opening tags? Or is that why they're so shocking because they surprise us?  :D


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