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NANY 2010 Release: Bestimate

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NANY 2010 Entry Information
Application Name Bestimate Version v1.0.5 Short Description A small utility designed to help you become more accurate and realistic about your predictions and promises.Supported OSes All Windows OS Web Page Bestimate Download Link Zip file (portable) System Requirements Windows OS Version HistoryChangelog
Author Jody Holmes (Skwire) Screencast (courtesy of mouser, thanks!)
* YouTube:

Original idea from mouser here:

Bestimate is a utility designed to help you become more accurate and realistic about your predictions and promises.  Add items like "Number of pages I will write this week" or "Number of pounds i will lose this month", and provide your predicted/promised values.  Then, at the end of the time period, record your actual achieved values.  Bestimator keeps track of how far off you were from your initial prediction/promise.  Note that this program is intended to help you become more realistic about your predictions, so being off in either direction is just as bad!


* Track as many estimates as you would like.
* Real-time updating of estimates as you adjust the data.
* Export to CSV option.
Planned Features
I cater to the people so suggest something.   :D



NANY 2010 Release: Bestimate

Unpack the archive to its own folder and run Bestimate.exe.

Using the Application
1. Right-click the list (or use the toolbar buttons) and choose "Add entry" from the menu.  A new entry will be added to the list with some default values.  You will see a grey icon as well.  This signifies that the entry hasn't been completed yet.
2. Name the entry whatever you'd like and change the values as needed using the fields at the bottom.
3. The accuracy is calculated in realtime as you adjust the numbers.
4. Once you complete the entry by entering in an "Actual Value", the icon will turn green if 100% or red otherwise.
5. The status bar will show an average accuracy from all your entries.

Delete the folder you unpacked the archive to.  Nothing is written to the registry.

Known Issues
It wouldn't be software if it didn't have issues.  Let me know if you find any.

nice  :up:

I realize that one can set the columns to auto but it would be nice if the app remembered whatever sizing was last set.
When trying this out I dragged columns around to the dimensions that I wanted, but on restart the interface reset to default.

I realize that one can set the columns to auto but it would be nice if the app remembered whatever sizing was last set.
When trying this out I dragged columns around to the dimensions that I wanted, but on restart the interface reset to default.
-cranioscopical (December 31, 2009, 10:45 PM)
--- End quote ---

Doh...bug on my part.  Widths and column order should be saved now.  Thanks.

Website | Download
v1.0.2 - 2009-12-31
    ! Column order and widths weren't being saved properly.  (Thanks, cranioscopical)

Widths and column order should be saved now.
-skwire (December 31, 2009, 11:36 PM)
--- End quote ---
Lovely grub! Works a treat, thanks!  :Thmbsup:


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