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How can we *share* better in 2010?

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To grow, a service, product or group should provide perceived value for time spent and it should be seen as different from the alternatives. Rolls Royce bragged that it did not need to advertise and that was a mistake. Spreading the word about something of value is worthwhile. There are some good things on other sites that might help, such as asking if the visitor found what they were looking for or if there are any suggestions about wanted features, navigation or help. Some feedback about which topics should be expanded, divided or followed might be interesting. I did not get why the topic of 'Cheat Sheets' seemed to 'die on the vine'.

One word:  Twitter (for now)

seems like we already have the attention of a lot of people/places (witness the NANY press, and the speed with which some of the submissions have appeared on mainstream (?) sites)

perhaps more events like NANY would be a good way of showing how different we are from most places, and some of the value inherent in the community

having said that I realise how difficult these things can be to organise and administer (BIG thumbs up to Perry Mowbray and Mouser and others for NANY), and that there is a limited resource pool.

it may also be hard for contributors to keep coming up with new stuff (apart from skwire  ;D)

One word:  Twitter (for now)
-y0himba (January 05, 2010, 05:39 PM)
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We are on Twitter, already. What might be helpful is if you are following and see something interesting, retweet it so your followers can discover us.

We are also on friendfeed, and if you are following there, liking an item and commenting there can make a difference and help introduce it to more people too.

I have been thinking about facebook and cliqset, recently, but I haven't talked to mouser about it yet.

Another thing you can do is share stuff on Google Reader if you use that and have any non-dc members as followers.

Every little bit can help. Just don't go overboard. You know what is good and worth sharing. It's the stuff you like.

Perry Mowbray:
I have been thinking about facebook and cliqset, recently, but I haven't talked to mouser about it yet.
-app103 (January 05, 2010, 05:57 PM)
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I have  :)

I resisted FB for a long time, but the simple fact that there are a lot of other people on FB means that I'd lose if I didn't join. DC on FB is a whole different question though, as we'll only get out of FB what we put in... so that implies splitting resources -- for a benefit that would need to be assessed.

Concerning the question at hand: There's marketing and there's promotion and there's all the other vectors which eventually add to the static on the net, which are all good and can be beneficial. But as Oshyan said:
Promotion aside (as I think we all probably do the best we can without actual marketing, budgets, etc.), I feel like the best thing that could be done to improve DC's visibility and value would be better organization and accessibility of content. The content pages on the main site pointing to most everything in the forums are good, but even once you know about the idea of "coding snacks" and you find the forum area, how easy is it really to find out what apps there are? Browse through the entire snacks forum? A software directory might be an interesting concept to consider, just as one example. Obviously a better way to organize, search, and display reviews is another key...
-JavaJones (January 03, 2010, 07:01 PM)
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If the site is hard to use, or the content hard to find or confusing, then we'll lose all the traffic that we've attracted. That's called "conversion" I think? And it's not much point attracting attention if they leave without what they came for or an understanding of what we are.

Some analysis of the weblogs would provide an indication of what our visitors are doing once they get here. But in the end we should be sure that we're displaying our Talents and Information, etc in the best possible manner.


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