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Possible to display & use 2 mouses simultaenously?

(1/2) > >>

I was wondering, if there is a simple program which makes able to just plug-in a second mouse and display it and use it on the screen as well as the first one?

I use 2 USB or one USB and one PS/2 on one computer all the time without any problems.

no extra software necessary.

I use 2 USB or one USB and one PS/2 on one computer all the time without any problems.
-techidave (December 20, 2009, 11:33 AM)
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but you are still only controlling one cursor with both mice (mouses?), or do you have a second cursor?

yeah, I want 2 cursors on the screen at the same time when 2 mouses are plugged in.

there are some threads on this idea already on the forum:


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