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NANY 2010 Release: Anuran

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Just a suggestion, but how about requiring a SHIFT+ENTER for a new line/carriage return? Seems to me, most users of this program do not need a new line often.

Just my $.02

Just a suggestion, but how about requiring a SHIFT+ENTER for a new line/carriage return? Seems to me, most users of this program do not need a new line often.
-pseudus (January 20, 2010, 10:51 AM)
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have a look in the options :) - on the pop-up tab you can set the Enter/Control behaviour (choice is Ctrl+Enter or Enter for new line & the other for close popup)

 :-[   Sorry, wonder where the extra lines are coming from then....

Just a suggestion, but how about requiring a SHIFT+ENTER for a new line/carriage return? Seems to me, most users of this program do not need a new line often.
-pseudus (January 20, 2010, 10:51 AM)
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have a look in the options :) - on the pop-up tab you can set the Enter/Control behaviour (choice is Ctrl+Enter or Enter for new line & the other for close popup)
-tomos (January 20, 2010, 11:50 AM)
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Yes, but that doesn't work properly. Even with the default setting (Enter for close popup), pressing Enter often inserts a spurious newline into the log file.

Website | Download
v1.0.22 - 2010-01-20
    ! Trailing newlines are now stripped from notes before saving.

Give this version a shot, folks, and let me know if the "extra lines" issue is resolved.


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