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Other Software > Developer's Corner

What's your Programming Language?

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Ahem. Delphi certainly does have a framework -- that's what BCL is. I think what you mean is that Delphi doesn't have any kind of virtual machine or abstraction layer in which it runs.-CWuestefeld (October 26, 2009, 12:39 PM)
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Ah, yes. Sorry, phrasing FAIL.  :)

it's worthwhile noting that it was designed by the lead designer of C#, Anders Hejlsberg.-CWuestefeld (October 26, 2009, 12:39 PM)
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So what's wrong with that guy now?

javascript lends itself well to dynamic programming techniques that you might expect to need a Python or Ruby for.-CWuestefeld (October 26, 2009, 12:39 PM)
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None of these are programming languages. There is some structural difference, right?

javascript lends itself well to dynamic programming techniques that you might expect to need a Python or Ruby for.-CWuestefeld (October 26, 2009, 12:39 PM)
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None of these are programming languages.
-Tuxman (October 26, 2009, 12:45 PM)
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I just threw an exception here. I think we're having a communication breakdown :)

Yay, language wars!   :onfire: :harhar: ::)

javascript lends itself well to dynamic programming techniques that you might expect to need a Python or Ruby for.-CWuestefeld (October 26, 2009, 12:39 PM)
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None of these are programming languages. There is some structural difference, right?
-Tuxman (October 26, 2009, 12:45 PM)
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I'd be inclined to include in the category of programming languages at least those that are Turing complete, because those are the ones that you can write any program in (with varying degrees of efficiency).

That would certainly exclude markup languages like HTML, XML, SGML. It technically even excludes SQL. But any language that satisfies the bare essentials for building a general-purpose algorithmic engine (and the bar is pretty low; have you ever programmed in, say, 6502 assembler?) ought to a candidate.

But then, I'm not the one who posed the original question.

We had a long discussion about scripting languages here:

In general i think it's silly to say a scripting language isn't a "real" programming language -- the real issue is choosing the right tool for the right job.


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