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Something I don't get about Search Engines...

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I'm going with the people are fickle and lazy explanation. Basically if the new engine doesn't either dazzle with better results, or at least get close enough to not annoy ... folks just tend to go back to (their old habits) what they know.-Stoic Joker (October 13, 2009, 10:45 PM)
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I think this is the number one reason. Google beat Yahoo! because its algorithms were better. Now most people stick with Google because while there have been some good ideas out there from competitors there hasn't been anything that has proven to be significantly better than Google in any area.

Maybe it's just me, I'd like to step off on Google but It's too much effort to remember to use Bing when I have a custom search alias for Google.
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Every time I resolve to give Bing a try the results Bing turns up are either the same as Google's or inferior to Google's. Also, any time I haven't been able to find something on Google and try other search engines I have yet to find something on one of the other search engines that Google has failed to find.

I tried Bing once yesterday.
3 or 4 word search if I remember correctly.
It didn't have any site that had what I was looking for on the first page.
Google had it on the top.
So a little spike in Bing market share here - but only the once.


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