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Do you touch-type or hunt-and-peck?

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Computers are everywhere therefore keyboards are everywhere. That means there are very few aspects of professional and personal life where one doesn't have to type to one extent or another. Any skill (touch typing) that can make that more efficient while not being crucial does indeed make one's life easier.

Hunt and peck all the way.  I took typing a couple of times, can't do it. I can type a whole 17 words a minute, and even spell some of them. 

I was serious about the public whipping w/ typewriters thing!

I took 6 months of touch typing in 7th grade, & I found it incredibly useful, but not until college. I think you learn better when you're younger.
It was easy to re-learn. I had a very hard time learning 10 key for the first time in accounting school, and I still can't do it.
I barely made the speed requirements to graduate.

I'm pretty sure it's all about practice, whether you take a formal class, or not.
My bf is a public writer & I've never seen anyone type as fast as he can. It's as if he's typing faster than most people speak.
I'm pretty certain he's never had formal instruction. As for his wmp, he has no idea.

skwire: true, but see this: the more they type, the better people get at touch-typing.-jgpaiva (September 14, 2009, 09:52 AM)
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No, the more hunt-and-peckers type, the better they get at hunt-and-pecking. They'll never become touchtypers without a concerted effort.

Typing was one of the most valuable classes I took in high school, and has helped me considerably through my career.

If you ever saw my handwriting, you'd be glad that I type everything. But so am I -- I can type much faster than anyone can write longhand, or h&p.  I am much more efficient this way.

On the downside, I'm almost completely incapable of using nonstandard keyboards, either with odd keyplacement (who decided to move the home/end keys?!) or in sizing. Notebook computers give me fits.


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