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DONE: Tag2Folder-New Feature added 1.0.3 'Close Tag2Folders after Conversion'

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Before I do this I'm still going through and tagging my files.  I have several that have no tags, just "author - title.mp3".  Do you know of an easy way to write the author and title to the v1 and v2 tags from the filename?-TT1 (March 09, 2010, 08:48 AM)
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I use mp3Tag for all my tagging.

The 120dpi fixes look good, but I need my reading glasses to see the tiny text...  ;>)-TT1 (March 09, 2010, 08:48 AM)
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Apologies for that.  I don't really support the 120 DPI settings so much as ignore them.   :-[

I don't really support the 120 DPI settings so much as ignore them.
-skwire (March 09, 2010, 09:49 AM)
--- End quote ---
;D ;D ;D

For some reason which I cannot work out the programs is creating the folders correctly but not copying all the files into the folders
My settings
General Options Checked are
Show destination folder after run
Copy files to destination

Tag Options
Template: $artist
Missing tag text .=FixME=.

Thank you for any help

Website | Download
v1.0.6 - 2012-02-20
    ! Any trailing spaces in tag info would prevent that file from being moved
      or copied.  (Thanks, D. Purcell)

Website | Download
v1.0.8 - 2012-09-24
    + Added progress bar in the statusbar area.
    ! Added code to prevent a potential recursive issue when using the
      same folder for source and destination.
    ! Tags that use a "/" or a "\" will use a dash when creating a folder
      name from it.  (Thanks, Eduardo)


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