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Tech News Weekly: Edition 28-09

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CompuServe isn't exactly gone.  It's changed into another Webmail system, i.e. supply your own ISP instead of using CompuServe itself.  There's no option for POP3 that I can see, which is a pity as most of the alternatives I've tried do have POP3.

CompuServe isn't exactly gone.  It's changed into another Webmail system, i.e. supply your own ISP instead of using CompuServe itself.  There's no option for POP3 that I can see, which is a pity as most of the alternatives I've tried do have POP3.
-rjbull (July 13, 2009, 09:45 AM)
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That's gone if you ask me, they're just letting everyone keep their email addresses (assuming someone somewhere still holds one).


That's gone if you ask me, they're just letting everyone keep their email addresses
-Ehtyar (July 13, 2009, 03:53 PM)
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Could still be useful to me for legacy reasons.  Some programs and forums I bought/signed up for when CI$ was the only Internet address I had, and can't always remember which they are.  Some of them send information on updates, but only on rare occasions.  I thought it would be easier to keep that address than trying to change everything.  I wish CompuServe'd added POP3 like Google, Yahoo UK and GMX, but there you are.

Fair enough.

Really I'm not sure how the free email services manage to keep a viable business model going after enabling POP3/IMAP/SMTP. Is it possible to have your CompuServe email forwarded to your Gmail/Yahoo account?


Really I'm not sure how the free email services manage to keep a viable business model going after enabling POP3/IMAP/SMTP.
-Ehtyar (July 14, 2009, 07:06 AM)
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Yes, that's a good point.  Maybe they get enough Web business to deliver ad revenue.  I hope they won't take your comment to heart   ;)

Is it possible to have your CompuServe email forwarded to your Gmail/Yahoo account?

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Don't think so.  I didn't think to look for that specifically, but there certainly wasn't anything obvious, and I've skimmed through the options.  It has a calendar and spam controls, but is pretty bare-bones.


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