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free scaled down word replacment

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2Steven Avery
I believe your words but I would rather wait for some changes before I "Accept". Current state of their licence stops me from doing that. Words from one of the developers mean nothing as long as it's not written in agreement. I can't automatically trust someone I don't know. I can't sign papers if they are saying something different from my point of view.

Steven Avery:
Hi Folks,

  If still concerned, and you would like to use the software, you could ask the developers to put this as an addendum on their website and/or the actual EULA.  That should be sufficient.

  (Personally I would be unconcerned, since I think this issue comes up a lot in areas like Creative Commons license as well, and it appears clear to me what is the intent.  However a nice official note is always nice.)


If still concerned, and you would like to use the software, you could ask the developers to put this as an addendum on their website and/or the actual EULA.  That should be sufficient.-Steven Avery (July 12, 2009, 07:33 PM)
--- End quote ---
I've tried to contact with them by email but I have automatic responses only. All in French but as far as I understood they contain an information that I should go to FAQ page and find any details there. Unfortunately, addresses mentioned on their website brings me back to nothing.

Of course, I could try to call them but… come on! Writing big software, having few websites and no valid e-mail?


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