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Literal Videos - Hilarious!

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To point out one very good one, A-ha, Take on me.
[attachthumb =#][/attachthumb]
Note, seems the original is gone, so this is a shorter version.
Also a different but related theme is literally interpreting the sounds in foreign videos as English words, for example here's a good one, though slightly NSFW.
[attachthumb =#][/attachthumb]

I've seen the a-ha before.  Here's a link to the full-length:
That and the literal version of Never Gonna Give You Up (the rickroll song) are my favorites:
("In my creepy trenchcoat, blue denim shirt, and hipster shades; enough of me, let's cut to my shadow.  And then I'll dance under this non-descript tunnel") haha  :D

Thanks Edvard, for making me waste three hours watching these. :(


Most of the outside links above are dead... so maybe (hopefully) this will follow suit.  It's literally absurd.
Diamond Nuts does this a lot better though it's not on YouTube.   ;D

155 walnuts in 1 minute

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.  But I'm not sure what it means to be foreheaded. :)

Other vids must've been funny since they're banned.  :)


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