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What is best program to create a DVD from any video file?

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Thanks for the heads up.  We seem to be inundated with converters that take the Nero approach.  Just drag & drop the file, wait 2 hours and trust me.  Esp. where I want to go from letter box to 16x9 those things are nearly always useless.

I just tried this program again. I took it off before because I didn't understand the rationale. After reading the help in more depth I get it.  It's AVStoDVD

It takes an interesting approach.  It calculates the output DVD bitrate and uses an encoding scheme based on the range.  The ranges are adjustable. If the bitrate is high, it just uses QuEnc one pass CBR.  If the bitrate is mid level, it uses HC Encode predictive quant one pass.  If the bitrate is low, it uses HC Encode 2 pass.

The default video standard is set to PAL.  If most of your stuff is NTSC you may want to change that setting, set it as default, then close and reopen the GUI just to avoid resetting it every time.

It also comes with the latest Imgburn for burning the DVDs.  I haven't tried burning.  I just set it to produce a VIDEO_TS folder.

I'm going to mess around with a few conversions and see how it does.

edit:  I'm starting to like this app.  It's open source and comes with QuEnc 0.75 alpha(I thought QuEnc stopped at 0.72 .. glad it's still being worked.) I fed it a bunch of .wmv files and it churned them out.  The sources were HD.  The encoding was slow, as it is when you resize down, but the results were very glossy.  Looks like a keeper for the video toolbox.

I'm going to mess around with a few conversions and see how it does...I'm starting to like this app. 
-MilesAhead (October 10, 2009, 04:06 PM)
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I agree AVStoDVD has become a reliable freeware solution. I've just played around with the newest version for more hours than I care to admit, and I finally got excellent output with the HC encoder. I initially tried with the latest HC and got some seriously screwy results--very significant undersizing (and no idea why). In contrast, the earlier HC version from May rendered accurate output size and very nice visual results.

btw-- the HC encoder really has improved speed with the latest versions.

I'll try the May HC then.  Thanks for the tip.   :Thmbsup:

btw I'm curious.  Did you have to mess around with HCenc 0.24 to use it with AVStoDVD or just copy with name change?


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