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Looking for P2p file sharing for personal use

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Sorry man, I think my question was not clear enough. I meant the "frost" client. Do I need to use Frost to use Freenet? Is Freenet client safe  as it is, or is Frost more secure than Freenet?

Sorry man, I think my question was not clear enough. I meant the "frost" client. Do I need to use Frost to use Freenet? Is Freenet client safe  as it is, or is Frost more secure than Freenet?
-kartal (June 17, 2009, 08:15 PM)
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Sorry. I misunderstood. :-[

You don't need to use Frost per sce. But Frost is what gives us all the additional features you usually get with newsgroups (messaging, discussion threads, easy file upload/download, etc.)

I probably should have mentioned that Frost now comes bundled into the current Freenet installer.

I like to read as much possible about something before I install it. If you're like me, take a look at their wiki:

Especially good is their First Timer's Handbook:

You'll want to look at that since it has very clear instructions on how to add friendly nodes to your network.

Hope all this was helpful. :)

40hz, thanks again, you have given the most exclusive help ever

40hz, thanks again, you have given the most exclusive help ever

-kartal (June 18, 2009, 11:52 AM)
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My pleasure. I'm always happy to point someone to a useful resource.

I also learn a lot by reading the other replies*, so it's an even trade. :Thmbsup:

*@4wd! Great posts about VPNs. You da man!!!  :up: :up:

Ohh yeah 4wd and you were racing head to toe here! Thanks guy


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