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access violation error in photoshop

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hello folks,

recently i have formated my system and reinstalled windows. ive been working on a photoshop tutorial using this great program and everything was fine. however today i wanted to continue and for a while everything worked fine. ive been using the selected region mode with no problems, but when i use the current screen capture,i get an access violation error.
funny thing is it doesnt happen when i use selected region or active window or even entire workspace mode (I'm working on a dualscreen-system), this error doesnt occur.
but whenever i use the current screen captur i always get the very same error message: access violation at adress 006CE7CD in module 'screenshotcaptor.exe'. Read of adress02857D40.

it would be great if this error could be removed it the next release candidate.
Any idea what might cause this or how it can be fixed?

can you check to make sure you have the most recent version of Screenshot Captor?
what operating system are you using -- and are you triggering the capture from a hotkey or the system tray menu or?

I have tried both the most recent version and 25002.
Im running a WindowsXP SP2 system and the problem occurs on hotkey as well as via tray menu. Occasionally the currentscreen-capture works, for example sometimes directly after loading screenshotcaptor but only for one shot. another time was when i first took many shots with the other options and later tried the currentscreen-feature. in that case it didn't crash at all, though i didn't use it a lot. also it seems more likely to happen when i run photoshop in fullscreen mode. (pressing 'f' in photoshop so one document fills up the whole work space).

is that any clue? pretty confusing, huh?

there could be one big clue:

does it ONLY happen when photoshop is the currently active window and you take a screenshot of current screen?

Seems so.  I just tried it: When I try to take a screenshot from my other display then there's no problem but as as soon as I try taking a shot from the photoshop screen i get the error. however, only if I have photoshop in that fullscreen mode as described above. it takes screenshots nicely if the photoshop document is in window mode. and i mean only the document. photoshop itself is fullscreen and thats fine, but as soon as the document opened within photoshop is fullscreen as well, that's where the problem occurs.


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