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The Geek's "100 things to do before you die" list

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Gothic has to learn how to talk to people in general, not just girls.

I, on the other hand, need to learn how to talk "geek" with Gothic so he talks to me more.  :P
especially now that I am not working all day anymore. I think I am driving him a bit crazy.  :-*

Can't believe I have done 32 of them.
lol @ 44, 59 and 61. 59 is more wishful thinking  :P

FPGA == supercomputing? O_o

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No, the idea is to build a cluster of FPGA's for specific purposes...
Gothic, how many normal people take on programming?

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A lot? but they take on stuff like javascript and vb :)

Anyway, it's just a general observation that the bar for what is considered geeky is getting lower and lower. Now yuppies that throw money against a bunch of gadgets are geeks too...  :-\

I'm going back into hiding now :)

"Create a WordPress Plugin" or "Create a WordPress Theme from Scratch", come on. Those are but two examples of "cool to be a geek" rather than actually being on the fringes of normal society.

Sorry but without a doubt that list was written by a mac fanboy who doesn't realise they are.

nope.. he met her in a computer chat room.
-mouser (May 07, 2009, 02:49 AM)
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Hahahaha, the Linus way :)

Anyway, it's just a general observation that the bar for what is considered geeky is getting lower and lower. Now yuppies that throw money against a bunch of gadgets are geeks too...  :-\
-Gothi[c] (May 07, 2009, 12:36 PM)
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When even newspapers proclaim it's cool to be a geek (or even worse, a nerd), you know it has permeated the mainstream. Ah, modern societies, they always end up assimilating even the most obscure countercultures.

But seriously, shortening an URL? Are you kidding?


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