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A couple of small bugs


Now I had a little time to play around and I have found a couple of things that could be fixed.
- The focus on the "Edit Group Alias" is not on the first field "Group Alias Name" and is standing on "Cancel". You have to press Tab twice to get to it. Could be improved.
- I am trying to get my Citrix connection into FARR. Only problem is that I do not know how to escape the forward slash before the "APP". Tried every known escape character but could not get it to work.
does not work Citrix eng-app2 | C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.exe /APP "eng-app2"
works, but needs external file Citrix eng-app2 | X:\PortableApps\System\Find and Run Robot\AliasGroups\MyCustom\eng-app2 citrix.lnk
- Missing a sort function in the Aliases. In on group I keep ading stuff and have 30 entries and want them ordered alphabetically. So I open the .alias file in an XML editor and do the resort there. Could be improved.
- Lastly I work in Citrix and RDP session in fullscreen mode a lot. This causes all keyboard input to be processed in the client session - even the Alt-Space which I use to call FARR. I guess this will not be easy to solve, but would be very cool.

No matter how much of the minor issues get fixed, the program is already saving me so much time - if I do not count the 20+ hours I invested in the configuration.


Thanks for the report Nitin -- sorry it took so long to reply!

As you say, that last one could be hard to fix on my part -- i'm not even sure where to start, BUT i'll work on the rest.

I agree with you about the alias sorting problem.. right now the user has to order them manually but i could make an option to sort them.

Let me check into the /APP problem -- it should work without requiring any escaping at all -- i'll have to figure out why it's not.


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