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Fonts: Worth The Bloat?

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Hello all (once more):
I've always had a habit of collecting fonts, and I admit I don't use all of them. What I'm wondering is: do fonts just make my system bloated despite having a relatively small footprint? I've heard many conflicting opinions on this topic. So I bring it to you, hoping to find out if I'm just fattening up my hard drive. I am in love with typography, so acquiring a large number of fonts doesn't take me long. And while I'm on the topic: does anyone know of some slick font viewing/organizing app for typographic freaks like me? Currently I use MainType and Unicode Font Viewer.

As usual, any help/suggestions/advice/irritation of my frequent posts here are much appreciated. :)

I've never noticed fonts doing anything noticable to performance except when I fire up OpenOffice Writer and hit the font menu and the system crawls loading my several hundred fonts...

*Goes off to*

I assume once you load all the fonts to display them, they will use more resources; however, I do not think the mere presence of font files will make your system slower.

I do not know for sure though :)

AFAIK they can make windows startup and also programme startup slower but no references or proof !

I used MainType to uninstall a lot of my less used fonts and to "load" them when I want them - they're gone then on next Windows restart.
That may or may not suit ?

"Currently I use MainType and Unicode Font Viewer."
are you unhappy with either of them ? I think MainType is generally acknowledged as very efficient *and* user-friendly
Have you seen the thread: Font managers reviews and opinions

there was an obscure tip in the days of Win 3.1 that too many fonts will slow down the system but i can't recall any links pointing to it. i myself use WinXP and have never experienced any slowdown due to fonts. as for your other question, you can do a search in the forums..



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