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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Change to Official License Key Policy

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Oh well, ya can't please everybody and some are alot harder to please than others ;) Moving on with development.....

had another idea of another change that might satisfy some people and keep in spirit of the site.

some people object to having to sign up at the forum (though i know if they looked around the forum they'd see it was a good idea), but anyway you can see why people might not like to have to sign up just to get a license key.

we could let people download like freeware renewable licenses without having to sign up at the forum (maybe only would last 1-4 months instead of 6?);  they just have to know that the 1 year permanent license only kicks in after a year from when they signed up at the forum (that's how it keeps track of when it's been a year); so that not signing up means never getting to that point.  just another idea worth thinking about.

Carol Haynes:
that's really sad - maybe the new policy will convince them to change that.

i do *not* think apps qualify as nagware.  my understanding in general of nagware is that the program puts up a nag message on a regular basis (ie on every use) until you buy it.  that's not how apps work.

you are only nagged to download a freeware key which last for 6 months, then you are told to get another after 6 months, then you are told once again at the 1 year period to go download a full non-expiring non-nagging license.  3 nags over period of 1 year and then never again doesn't seem to be too much of a burden i should hope.
-mouser (December 12, 2005, 11:13 AM)
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I agree absolutely - maybe they have misinterpreted what is on offer. To me nag-ware means nagging you to buy something. I have tried a few apps before from one website (I won't mention names) that has free versions to download in the hope that you will think 'this is good maybe it is worth upgrading'. After using the 'free' software for more than 30 days it always asks on startup do you want to buy the full product. That is nag-ware. There is no way the DC software can be considered nag-ware.

Mouser why don't you contact them and point them at this thread ?

i have emailed andrew a letter explaining the software and pointing them to this thread as well; i will report back any reply i get

a new optional page has been added to the license key generation section; for those people who are dead set against signing up at the forum for whatever reason, they can now generate shorter lasting (you have to return to the page to make new key every 30 days) anonymous license keys.  At least this is a viable option for people who aren't sure yet they want to sign up or are having trouble signing up, etc.

See it in action here ->


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