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BBCeditor 1.1.35

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Currently it is not possible to do that but I will try to add it over the weekend.

thnx for replying,
My machine can't compile the src of bbceditor but I think following changes in the Parser file will result what I seek

--- --- #endregion
#region issuu document

while (txt.Contains( "[docis]" ))
String qtmp = "[docis]";

int st_poz = txt.IndexOf( qtmp, StringComparison.Ordinal );

if (st_poz >= 0)
st_poz = st_poz + qtmp.Length;

int end_poz = txt.IndexOf( "[/docis]", st_poz, StringComparison.Ordinal );

if (end_poz > 0)
String tmp = txt.Substring( st_poz, end_poz - st_poz );

//txt = txt.Replace( "[docis]" + tmp + "[/docis]", "<docis src=\"" + tmp + "\" />" );
txt = txt.Replace( "[docis]" + tmp + "[/docis]", "<center><object style=\"width:420px;height:272px\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\"><param value=\";backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;"+tmp+" name=\"movie\"><param value=\"true\" name=\"allowfullscreen\"><param value=\"false\" name=\"menu\"><param value=\"transparent\" name=\"wmode\"><embed flashvars=\"mode=mini&amp;backgroundColor=%23222222&amp;"+tmp+" style=\"width:420px;height:272px\" wmode=\"transparent\" menu=\"false\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\"\"></object></center>" );
Also justifying text can be achieve via following addition:

--- --- txt = txt.Replace( "[justify]", "<p align=\"justify\">" );
txt = txt.Replace( "[/justify]", "</p>" );

if you get some time plz compile your editor with the following Parser.cs file. I will be very grateful to you

Thank you for your help but I will make it in different way: by adding Regexp type custom tag.
You will have the possibility to define any bbc string which will be replaced with custom HTML.
This way it should be more flexible and will not require new versions for each new/strange tag.

BTW I would suggest using CSS classes for rendered HTML - thanks to that you'll have more preview skinning options.

You will have the possibility to define any bbc string which will be replaced with custom HTML.
-fenixproductions (July 18, 2012, 11:50 AM)
--- End quote ---
Sounds good  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:
I wish I knew why the latest version won't run on my system  :(

Thank you for your help but I will make it in different way: by adding Regexp type custom tag.
You will have the possibility to define any bbc string which will be replaced with custom HTML.
This way it should be more flexible and will not require new versions for each new/strange tag.

BTW I would suggest using CSS classes for rendered HTML - thanks to that you'll have more preview skinning options.
-fenixproductions (July 18, 2012, 11:50 AM)
--- End quote ---

Something like this will be a dream come true  :Thmbsup:


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