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BBCeditor 1.1.35

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This post was made with BBCeditor 20120706, situated in Program Files, not in "...(x86)",
-he did say it was created for 64-bits. Also, I did not import any settings.

-Curt (July 07, 2012, 02:59 AM)
--- End quote ---
Now I'm a bit lost - surely it doesn't install, it's a 'portable application' isn't it? I just unzipped the file and ran it from the folder, which could be placed anywhere couldn't it?

-yes, I first tested it in "Downloads", and only then moved it to Program Files, to type the post.

Doesn't work unfortunately (Win7 64bit). Here's the error details:

Beschreibung:  Stopped working

  Problemereignisname:   CLR20r3
  Problemsignatur 01:   bbceditor.exe
  Problemsignatur 02:
  Problemsignatur 03:   4ff74350
  Problemsignatur 04:   BBCeditor
  Problemsignatur 05:
  Problemsignatur 06:   4ff74350
  Problemsignatur 07:   2d
  Problemsignatur 08:   24
  Problemsignatur 09:   System.NullReferenceException
  Betriebsystemversion:   6.1.7601.
  Gebietsschema-ID:   1031

--- End quote ---

It was working correctly in any directory for me.

Unfortunately, it seems that this bug is not meant to be fixed:
second day of having new laptop and I've got blue screen resulting with crashed SSD drive. Now my "brand new ThinkPad" does not start at all and I will need to wait for next few weeks for new drive :(

Luckily for me: I haven't remove anything from old one yet.
Sad thing is: I've spent whole day to get an environment I like.

It's a laptop! There is no CABLE!

Check your BIOS boot settings. "PXE" means the laptop thinks it is supposed to boot from LAN (thus the mention of "Cable").

Cheers David.P


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