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BBCeditor 1.1.35

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Working with BBceditor with another forum.
I'm quoting and the quotes use capital letters for "url" in links.
This doesnt show properly in bbceditor
CPU:[url=]Intel Core i5 2400[/url]
shows as expected thus:
CPU:Intel Core i5 2400

but this
CPU:[URL=]Intel Core i5 2400[/URL]
remains the same
CPU:[URL=]Intel Core i5 2400[/URL]

it's no big deal to me as I know it will work in the forum but just thought I'd let you know in case it's an easy fix ;)

Darn! I completely forgot about David.P post. Real live sucks :(

This should be very easy to fix (matter of regexp) but it reminds me how inconsistent BB code can be.

There are various flavours of it and no named schemes for them (i.e. there are [list] or [ul] tags, [*] or [li], etc.) and that makes it hard to follow each BB system nicely.

I am one of those people who really should use BBCeditor before posting..., but a couple of 'items' have so far kept me from doing so.

1) I cannot see any difference in your program between "Use inline mode" or not, when I want to insert a photo. So my request is for an option to insert picture in the same way we do here at DC: "[(attachimg=#)]" only, instead of right away asking me to navigate to the file. It will make the program more useful here at DonationCoder's forum; "[(img]C:\FotoTemp\Curt'sPicture.jpg[/img)]" is not helpful here.

2) The other thing is that I really would like your program to both auto-save and auto-close-to-tray  / minimize when I hit Escape, please. Preferably compared with a hotkey to open with the same file already open in the same position.


Can you simply copy these options:


BBCeditor 1.1 is ready for testing.

All small changes done according to latest comments.
I will keep it in WIP state for some time waiting for opinions.


From now on I am not willing to implement any more changes to basic parser (alternative one is based on RegExp and is easier to handle).

Images functionality changed a little bit.

This bug is related to upper case tags. It is fixed for "alternative parser".

1. Inline mode can be seen when inserting tags: difference lies in cursor placement after toolbars button click it either stays within tags or is put after. To see it just select some text, push bold and observe.

Oh! And I've added DC images functionality.

2. Minimizing play can now be set via config.ini editing.

--- Code: Text ---[General]MinimizeOnEscape=0MinimizeSave=0MinimizeToTray=0- MinimizeOnEscape - Escape key minimizes application,
- MinimizeSave - saves file changes but works only if file name already exists,
- MinimizeToTray - just as it says.
Change 0 to 1 when you need it.


I have no further requests. THANK YOU!  :Thmbsup:

Thanks also for explaining 'inline mode'.

FYI: the file type abbreviation .pdb is also being used by other programs. Windows has marked my copy as a "STDUviewer PDB File", but "of course" STDUviewer cannot open it.


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