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When holding control and using volume keys on keyboard, change wave

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Why is Volumouse not working for you? It does exactly what you have asked for.

Seems that for reasons know to him he prefers to use the Multi-Media keys with a modifier. I see now that's what he asked for. Whatever!

May I humbly suggest HotkeyP again? It works like a charm. Thanks for the idea, I just implemented it. I'm also using Shift-Volume buttons for attenuation when a phone call arrives, for example.


It does not work :( How do hook the volume buttons?
-Coeluh (March 26, 2009, 03:27 PM)
--- End quote ---

I've cut out certain non-associated personal additions to the script so here it is...

--- ---; Volume On-Screen-Display (OSD) -- by Rajat
; This script assigns hotkeys of your choice to raise and lower the
; master and/or wave volume.  Both volumes are displayed as different
; color bar graphs.

;_______User Settings_____________________________

#SingleInstance force
SetBatchLines, 5ms

; Make customisation only in this area or hotkey area only!!

; The percentage by which to raise or lower the volume each time:
vol_Step = 5

; How long to display the volume level bar graphs:
vol_DisplayTime = 2000

; Master Volume Bar color (see the help file to use more
; precise shades):
vol_CBM = Red

; Wave Volume Bar color
vol_CBW = Blue

; Background color
vol_CW = Silver

; Bar's screen position.  Use -1 to center the bar in that dimension:
vol_PosX = -1
vol_PosY = -1
vol_Width = 150  ; width of bar
vol_Thick = 24   ; thickness of bar

HotKey, Volume_Up, vol_MasterUp      ; Win+UpArrow
HotKey, Volume_Down, vol_MasterDown
HotKey, Ctrl & Volume_Up, vol_WaveUp       ; Shift+Win+UpArrow
HotKey, Ctrl & Volume_Down, vol_WaveDown
HotKey, Volume_Mute, vol_Mute

;_____Auto Execute Section__________________

; DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING HERE (unless you know what you're doing).

vol_BarOptionsMaster = 1:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBM% CW%vol_CW%
vol_BarOptionsWave   = 2:B ZH%vol_Thick% ZX0 ZY0 W%vol_Width% CB%vol_CBW% CW%vol_CW%

; If the X position has been specified, add it to the options.
; Otherwise, omit it to center the bar horizontally:
if vol_PosX >= 0
vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% X%vol_PosX%
vol_BarOptionsWave   = %vol_BarOptionsWave% X%vol_PosX%

; If the Y position has been specified, add it to the options.
; Otherwise, omit it to have it calculated later:
if vol_PosY >= 0
vol_BarOptionsMaster = %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_PosY%
vol_PosY_wave = %vol_PosY%
vol_PosY_wave += %vol_Thick%
vol_BarOptionsWave = %vol_BarOptionsWave% Y%vol_PosY_wave%



SoundSet, +%vol_Step%, Wave
Gosub, vol_ShowBars

SoundSet, -%vol_Step%, Wave
Gosub, vol_ShowBars

SoundSet, +%vol_Step%
Gosub, vol_ShowBars

SoundSet, -%vol_Step%
Gosub, vol_ShowBars

SoundSet, +1, , mute  ; Toggle the master mute (set it to the opposite state)

; To prevent the "flashing" effect, only create the bar window if it
; doesn't already exist:
IfWinNotExist, vol_Wave
Progress, %vol_BarOptionsWave%, , , vol_Wave
IfWinNotExist, vol_Master
; Calculate position here in case screen resolution changes while
; the script is running:
if vol_PosY < 0
; Create the Wave bar just above the Master bar:
WinGetPos, , vol_Wave_Posy, , , vol_Wave
vol_Wave_Posy -= %vol_Thick%
Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster% Y%vol_Wave_Posy%, , , vol_Master
Progress, %vol_BarOptionsMaster%, , , vol_Master
; Get both volumes in case the user or an external program changed them:
SoundGet, vol_Master, Master
SoundGet, vol_Wave, Wave
Progress, 1:%vol_Master%
Progress, 2:%vol_Wave%
SetTimer, vol_BarOff, %vol_DisplayTime%

SetTimer, vol_BarOff, off
Progress, 1:Off
Progress, 2:Off

Once saved as an autohotkey -.ahk -script (I'm not sure how to set this up to automatically download here) this should work (I've tested it of course).

You don't help yourself by specifying what happens as the script attempts to run, which hotkeys don't work, any error messages given or whether any .ahk scripts work for you etc. But hopefully this script will now work for you.


Why is Volumouse not working for you? It does exactly what you have asked for.
-PhilB66 (March 26, 2009, 07:01 PM)
--- End quote ---
Omg. I want to use my VOLUME BUTTONS ON MY KEYBOARD. not the scrollwheel on my mouse.


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