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IE8 on the loose!

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What's broken? I haven't faced any issues with FeedDemon.
-nosh (March 20, 2009, 07:09 AM)
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I am using vista x64 & feed demon at first becomes non responsive & then crashes & I even had troubles with the RC1 as well.

No problems here with FeeDemon and IE8 under Vista x64. I installed IE8 yesterday and have rebooted twice since then and all is well. Only possible "difference" between my install and yours is that I am still on FeeDemon (last version without Ads).

I am running the latest FeedDemon beta, but on XP-32 so I can't really compare.

It did break EmEditor's shell integration though, I confirmed this by installing IE8 on a virtual machine where I faced the same problem. Probably because I've used some dirty hacks to replace notepad.exe and the text editor is installed in c:\windows. :-[
Uninstalling IE8 got me back to IE6 but that didn't fix anything, so I've upgraded again and got the text editor integrated manually using the registry.

Digital Inspiration has some informative posts about how to use IE8's new 'Web Slices' on your site.

Tutorial: How to Write an IE8 Web Slice for WordPress Blogs

Turn your RSS Feed into a Web Slice for Internet Explorer 8

which web browsers use the temporary internet files folder? Everytime I run IE8 and then close it, I will get a virus warning from avast in the temp internet files folder, and another one in the sysWOW64 folder. (I don't remember what the one in the temp folder is, but the virus in the syswow64 folder is something like 168659.exe or something like that) I dropped back to IE7 in hopes that this problem is resolved. If it helps any, when I used IE8, I never when to any sites that I didn't go to in IE7 or in chrome for that matter


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