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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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I just had a nice, demented conversation with Racter. The main problem with doing that is that it is a 16-bit DOS program. Does anyone here still have and can run Racter? I needed D-Fend-Reloaded-1.4.2 in order to do it. I never thought that there was a DOS program that Win XP didn't like. I guess it draws the line at 16-bit programs. Does anyone here know of any sites that run on a 16-bit DOS system?
-Arizona Hot (November 26, 2014, 03:51 PM)
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I've vaguely seen lots of dos progs my comp doesn't like, but I don't have details. The age of 16 bit feels vaguely similar as well.


Situations where it’s okay to laugh when you’re covered in blood

1. You’re a newborn baby.

2. You’ve just delivered a newborn baby and everyone else has started laughing from pure joy.

3. You’re a bear and you’re great at being who you are.

4. You’re an actor working with a director who a) insists on using real pig’s blood during scenes involving blood and b) jokingly sprays people with blood between takes.

5. You’re a very good MMA fighter.

6. You’ve just made the Iron Chef blooper reel.

7. You’re a butcher and a colleague has engaged with you in witty banter.

8. You deserved it.

9. It’s the 1300s.
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My daughter showed me this link:

Star Trek
Worf's first day at work. Enterprise is present at war exercises.
Picard:"Lieutenant Worf, fire at will!"
Worf:"Excuse me, sir?"
Picard:"I gave you orders, Mr. Worf!"
Worf shrugged his shoulders and took a phazer in his hand. With it he shot (and killed) Will Riker.


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