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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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How To Protect Yourself Against Ebola

This week saw the first confirmed case of Ebola virus within the United States, the latest development in an outbreak that has already claimed over 3,000 lives. Here are some ways you can protect yourself against this deadly disease:

* Boil all bodily fluids before consumption.
* Regularly examine your DNA under an electron microscope for any indication that Ebola has attached itself to your cell membranes.
* Recognize the symptoms of Ebola, which include fever, chills, and developing symptoms too late to do anything about them.
* Cover the nose and mouth of Ebola patients when they sneeze to avoid spreading germs.
* Avoid eating bat soup, which is actually pretty sound advice whether there’s an ongoing Ebola outbreak or not.
* Ebola can only be spread once patients are symptomatic, so if you believe you’ve been exposed, get all your errands and public trips out of the way before your symptoms start showing.
* Be sure to stay up to date on developments by signing up for the official CDC phone tree.
* Try being born one of the 15 percent of rural Gabonese citizens with natural immunity to the virus.
* Give billions of dollars to pharmaceutical companies.
* If you see a suspicious-looking filamentous virus particle roughly one micron in length, stay away.
* Continue following lifelong plan of avoiding Dallas, TX at all costs.
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And for a different kind of silly humor:
I've been watching a lot of TV lately. Every now and then there's a baby in a scene or two. I know sometimes a very quick shot is a doll, but I think there are a couple of babies around too. (Prob protected to the max by laws.)

So ... do these people get IMDB credits at the age of 3 months old? (Made up name) "Travis Wilkinson is 26 years old and has been acting for 25 years."

I'm not a big fan of The Onion, but sometimes they nail it.  I haven't indulged in herbal entertainment for many years now, but I still remember what it was like when I "heard a noise".
 ;D ;D ;D

New Marijuana Study Says Everyone Knows You're High And You'll Likely Be Stoned Forever

I'm not a big fan of The Onion, but sometimes they nail it.  I haven't indulged in herbal entertainment for many years now, but I still remember what it was like when I "heard a noise".
 ;D ;D ;D

New Marijuana Study Says Everyone Knows You're High And You'll Likely Be Stoned Forever
-Edvard (October 04, 2014, 09:57 AM)
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That was good!  :Thmbsup:

Ebola from one of my favourite comedy troupes:

So... Now we're calling out the bomb squad for litter bugs
Note: Sadly this completely absurd overreaction is an actual -currently happening - real live event.
-Stoic Joker (October 01, 2014, 12:03 PM)
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We just had a similar incident over an abandoned suitcase full of stuffed animals.

And my daughter's boyfriend just announced that he wants a job on the bomb squad...specifically, the Teddy Ruxpin Disposal Unit.


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