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silly humor - post 'em here! [warning some NSFW and adult content]

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I saw the cube/cubicle bit, but that seemed a kinda obvious and awkward pun
-IainB (April 05, 2017, 12:53 PM)
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No pun is obvious, awkward, or stinky enough to escape being pressed into service when the need arises.  :)

Begin Edit:

"...when they moved us from 2 man offices to the cubicles..." and I thought that could have thus been referring to something that immediately pre-dated office cubicles in the US and that was beyond my ken (I saw nothing special/unusual in 2-man offices).

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I can see the logic here.  No, I only worked at IBM as a contractor for a few years.  It was just that our group got moved around among the buildings from time to time.  The building with the 2 man offices was across the road from the main building.  The main building had a large area full of cubicles.  When they moved us over there we were in the cubes.  Being the last one to move since I wanted to finish the stuff I was working on before shutting down my PC, I ended up with the cube nobody wanted.  Right outside the manager's office door.  But it worked to my advantage.  I only lived about 7 minutes down the street.  I liked to get in early and grab coffee in the cafeteria.  So when the manager got into work every day he could not miss the fact I was the only one in the group there working.  I left a bit early too but it still left the good impression with the boss.   :Thmbsup:

End Edit

It is funny how the mind works though.  I find myself often trying to fathom something when everyone else listening has digested the speaker's comments and moved on.  Looking for subtlety can be dangerous.  One has to hear "DUH"  a lot from witnesses to the mind whiff.  :)  But I think it ads to the genius mystique.  If I don't have a clue what is happening it must be due to the fact my mind is amusing itself by searching for the sublime.  At least that's how I try to play it off.  :)

The ice block pics I used were the closest thing I could find to a cube without using pictures of actual ice cubes.  I probably should have attempted making an icicle out of one picture of an ice cube pasted and iteratively downsized and concatenated.  But the result could have been even more nebulous.  I did think though, that if anyone got my drift it would be cranioscopical.  He can find a pun even if there isn't one.  :)

Thanks for explaining the background to me. Interesting times you have seen.
Where you wrote:
I saw the cube/cubicle bit, but that seemed a kinda obvious and awkward pun
-IainB (April 05, 2017, 12:53 PM)
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No pun is obvious, awkward, or stinky enough to escape being pressed into service when the need arises.  :)
-MilesAhead (April 05, 2017, 01:33 PM)
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I absolutely agree that, as you put it, "No pun is obvious, awkward, or stinky enough to escape being pressed into service when the need arises.", and I apologise if I seemed to be implicitly criticising the making of the pun. That was not the case - I wasn't intending to. The pun was perfectly valid as it stood and worth making. Punning humour is a highly desirable art form as far as I am concerned, and long may it live.   ;)

No, it was just my mind - always looking for interesting puzzles and patterns - that led me astray, insisting that there were probably additional implicit hidden humorous subtleties to be understood, but of course that was mistaken in this case.    :-[
That was what I meant by "How disappointing!"
(It's not the first time this sort of thing has happened, and it probably won't be the last.)

By the way, are you able to explain? As I wrote above "I still don't know what the "motion elements" and the accompanying little symbols were referring to, in the picture.".
I have to ask - what were they?    :tellme:   (Enquiring minds need to know.)

By the way, are you able to explain? As I wrote above "I still don't know what the "motion elements" and the accompanying little symbols were referring to, in the picture.".
I have to ask - what were they?       (Enquiring minds need to know.)

-IainB (April 06, 2017, 02:28 AM)
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I have no idea.  I just searched google images and they were the most "cubey" ice that did not come in an ice cube tray, that I could find.  Google must just scrape sites for images.  I would not have a clue how to trace it to the origin.  It does sound like they are moving the mountain to Muhammed.  Weird though.  Searching that phrase I get this jazz about if the mountain will not come to Muhammed, then Muhammed must go to the mountain. I always remember hearing it the other way around.  If you can't get Muhammed to the mountain then move the mountain to Muhammed.  Seems like more revisionist data on internet.  :)

@MilesAhead: Regarding "motion elements", thanks for trying anyway. Looks like you saw just as confusing a mess as I saw then.

I gather the correct expression was/is:
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain."
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- and has to do with not being able to always get one's way in life, when things may be, quite literally, immovable, so one has to compromise.
- possibly from a Turkish proverb?

@MilesAhead: Regarding "motion elements", thanks for trying anyway. Looks like you saw just as confusing a mess as I saw then.

I gather the correct expression was/is:
"If the mountain won't come to Muhammad then Muhammad must go to the mountain."
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- and has to do with not being able to always get one's way in life, when things may be, quite literally, immovable, so one has to compromise.
- possibly from a Turkish proverb?

-IainB (April 06, 2017, 08:54 AM)
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On TV shows for decades I have always seen the dialog, when they could not get someone to go where they wanted, that "if we can't get Muhammed to go to the mountain, we'll have to bring the mountain to Muhammed."  I have never seen it the other way around.  What would be noteworthy about making some guy go to a mountain?  Seems like it would be newsworthy if they moved the mountain to the guy.  Taking a boat across the Red Sea vs parting it you might say.  Not many remember a boat ride unless George Washington is standing in the bow or it's the Titanic.


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