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Xenon Portable File Manager - Portable Associations!

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Yeah, kind of like the word "free" in shareware sites that have no freeware.  The download is "free" because you are not charged for downloading trialware.  Makes it tougher to find "freeware" which I guess is the idea.

So is Xenon truly portable or not?

Aren't the installers with Portable Apps sometimes just so you can choose where they go?

So is Xenon truly portable or not?

Aren't the installers with Portable Apps sometimes just so you can choose where they go?
-CleverCat (April 19, 2009, 03:13 AM)
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To me, "portable" means self-contained.  Doesn't use the Registry.  Settings, if any in an .ini file in the same folder as the exe.  Usually you get a zip file with instructions to "unpack in any folder and make a shortcut" and that's it.  Or the exe itself will unpack some files in that folder on the first run but it won't use Registry or AppData.  At least the ones I've seen.

I've been messing around with a Rescue USB key drive for my Vista64 machine.  So now I realize that SysWOW64 won't be there on the USB. So all the apps I put on, assuming I'm only going to be able to boot off the USB key, need to be native 64 bit.  That and "portable" really cuts down on your choices. :(

I've been messing around with a Rescue USB key drive for my Vista64 machine.  So now I realize that SysWOW64 won't be there on the USB. So all the apps I put on, assuming I'm only going to be able to boot off the USB key, need to be native 64 bit.  That and "portable" really cuts down on your choices. :(
-MilesAhead (April 19, 2009, 12:08 PM)
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I'm not sure I follow - if you're booting from the USB then the apps need to be whatever will run in the USB's OS, right?  If the USB OS is 32-bit, then you don't even have the option of 64-bit apps.  If the USB's OS is 64-bit then it'll have a SysWOW64 directory so 32-bit apps will be able to load the 32-bit Windows DLLs.

Unless I'm missing something, your rescue USB drive should be fine with 32-bit apps.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned here that total commader 7.5 (beta) comes with portable associations, is portable itself, and way more advanced that Xenon.


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