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Question or request - start LBC auto minimized to tray


Lolipop Jones:
Love LBC, but I cherish every free pixel of my laptop's 12" screen, and run the program minimized all the time.  Is there a setting or perhaps a command line option to have it minimize on program startup??

I think it should remember its state -- so if you close while minimized it should start up minimized -- that's the idea anyway.
i could make it an explicit option though.

I think it should remember its state -- so if you close while minimized it should start up minimized -- that's the idea anyway.
i could make it an explicit option though.
-mouser (January 15, 2009, 06:39 AM)
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Yes, that's the way LBC works for me.  I was surprised and delighted when, after being minimized to the tray, it opened minimized the next time I started my computer (and from then on).  I think it would be great, however, if you could make an explicit option.  I remember looking for one and being disappointed not to find one.  I didn't realize at first that LBC was smart enough to remember what I wanted without my telling it.  :)


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