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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room Browser Hijack Virus

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@app: I didn't know that Foxit had JS activated by default. Deactivated now. Thanks!

Edvards first post states that a symptom of the problem is if sysaudio.sys or wdmaud.sys exists in C:\WINDOWS\system32\

It is then best to add that files with those names exist in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ , at least on my (supposedly clean) Win Xp Pro system. The files with the MD5 values below passed the test at a minute ago:



I also have a registry entry very similar to the one Edvard talks about at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\drivers32
But the difference is that my (again supposedly clean) computer has a "aux" key with the value: "wdmaud.drv" (NOT "wdmaud.sys")

I guess it is yet an example of the common practice for malware to have deceptively similar names and locations as legit Windows files. A good way to counter that is to post and check file hashes.

The ones in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\ are fine. It's always if they are found in the c:\WINDOWS or system32.
If your registry says wdmaud.drv it should be fine as well.

OK, some instructions for removing this thing have been posted at

The best thing is to NOT get infected in the first place, but if you do, there's some sound advice.

I've also seen a lot of reports that it prevents Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program from running. I'd say that's as good as an advertisement of MBAM's effectiveness in removing malware.
Apparently it is freeware as a scanning tool but a paid registration gives you "Realtime Protection".
Has anybody had any experience with this tool?

@Nod5: Here is the MD5 for the "bad" wdmaud.sys.

Also, the bad one is only about 17K where the real one is 74 or 82k

Stoic Joker:
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware = Yes

When dealing with end user/client machines 90% of the time Spybot Search and Destroy works for me, the other 10% requires Malwarebytes.

...Okay, 5% of the time I just flatten the box... But Malwarebytes is an excellent utility which is also (highly) MS MVP recommended.

Just a quick note I'll add to the discussion after dealing with this today.  I run Win XP 64 bit edition - and the wdmaud.sys file can be found in the C:\windows\syswow64 folder. 

After doing a search for the file, the infected version has a description of "Meikiemos Rules" in the tooltip description.


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