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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion again!

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hi, I'm not Alvin, a year ago, my friends were discussing sharing costs to buy a CD/Movie database with all the details and such, but I backed-out due to huge costs (with this bad economy).

I'm not at privy to say who that person is, but I did see parts of the 50gigs database and the impressive music-store they had.

Relating back to the Collectorz, I saw a picture of Alvin's car, and I think he choose the car, X-box, etc instead of making his product better?  :tellme:

With all the sorts of complaints he gets, I wonder who buys his products?

vizacc, I was kidding you with the "Alwin" thing!

How do they sell software? Same way as always, I guess. Their software isn't bad. But they used to have several online sources you could use. He changed that to only use their database, which is lacking. When this was first announced the database was severely lacking data and they asked for the paying customers to submit data and build the database. Plus now it appears they're is trying to convert the software to an online service. Just read this thread and do a search here and you'll see what kind of crap they have pulled in the past. Nothing new here - we all should know better by now.

Thank you.


I've been searching for a good Movie Collector alternative, has anyone had any luck with Movienizer? Looks pretty cool and imports from Movie Collector databases pretty well:

Yea I've received some of Alwin's abuse as well (he even cut me down when I was DEFENDING him in a thread.) Whatever! Working with the software industry I've seen things similar to what Collectorz are doing to their software/attitude toward customers way too often and most of them either end up getting bought out or disappearing.


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