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IDEA: Simple line by line truncator

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I’m sorry for a very late response Sir Paul, I’ve been very busy these past few days… The software is Perfect Sir! I think that is the Final version except for something you probably misunderstood because of, I admit a confusing explanation of mine…

Remove Ctrl+A = Select All from the Shortcuts Button since the Ctrl+C can do it and to avoid confusion to others.

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What I meant was you may still Select All using Ctrl+A using the shortcuts button but just remove the explanation in the Shortcuts button since it’s common for any user to be able to use Ctrl+A to anything that has a text in it…

Except for that one trivial lack of feature, I think it is an excellent application!

Honestly, It’s kind of strange not being able to use Ctrl+A for selecting all the text… I hope you can do something about it Sir…  :-[

Thank You!  :P


* Ctrl-A selects all

I just woke up to try the latest version Sir, it’s around 3am now… It’s Perfect! The Line Truncator is finally complete! The application is very appealing and very useful Sir, Thanks for taking up the challenge and helping not only me but other few individuals who will greatly benefit from your software… I Sincerely Thank You Sir for the effort, patience and willingness to help other people! You’re simply the Best! :-*  :)  :Thmbsup:

You selected the text as a block, using the cursor and mouse keys, copied it, and the copy just excluded everything outside the block. It left embedded spaces intact, if they were included in the block.-IainB (November 23, 2008, 04:50 AM)
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I know the program Textpad will do columnar cut, copy & paste. I bet lots of others do too -- apologies for not having read every message in the topic in case somebody might've already suggested it, but I'm in a rush right now. :)  Just wanted to hurry & post in case it helps anybody.

Textpad also has macros, so it'd be a breeze to have one dedicated to removing all the whitespace first. (It already comes with one on the macros menu to remove blank lines from an entire document.) You could probably automate the entire operation.


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