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IDEA: Simple line by line truncator

<< < (8/10) > >>

Not a problem -- money is not the most important thing in the world -- and agentseal clearly was not motivated at all by a hope for money.  Different people can show their appreciation in different ways, according to their means and their desires  :Thmbsup:

Thanks Sirs for being understanding…  :)

Sir Agentsteal I’ve tested your latest release, It works great! I think the application is nearing its completion… These are some ideas that I hope to be implemented on the hopefully the final release…

-On the exclusion text box, I hope the truncator can remember the excluded order numbers even when the file was closed or when the Less button is clicked…

-Tab Spaces should be removed before processing like ordinary spaces…


The current version turns this example…
   123456789 with tab space.
   123456789 with spaces.

--- End quote ---


--- End quote ---

that should be…

--- End quote ---

-I hope, I can still undo changes after I accidentally process the text…
-Remove Ctrl+A = Select All from the Shortcuts Button since the Ctrl+C can do it and to avoid confusion to others.

That’s all I can think of as of now Sir Agentsteal… I hope the next version will be the final release… Thank You Sir…  :)

BTW, I’ve made a mockup of the latest version just for fun…


* excluded order numbers aren't forgotten
* Tab Spaces are processed like ordinary spaces
* Ctrl-Z shortcut
* Removed Ctrl-A shortcut

Wow! That was fast!  :Thmbsup: Thank You so much Sir, I think this will be the Final release, I’m to going to post next week if everything works perfectly at work, we don’t have any work for today because we are affected by US Thanks Giving Holiday… Again, Thank You so much Sir Paul for helping me and other few individuals make life easier at work, and Happy Thanks Giving Day!  :)  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

PS: I love the way you add the "Enter key" feature in the Exclusion text box that moves the words and adds a space, that was a clever idea Sir Paul! Thanks for adding it even though I did not request it.  :-*

One minor thing Sir, I can undo my changes even after I accidentally process the text, but I can’t redo it using Ctrl+Y for easy flipping of undo and redo history and you can add it to the Shortcuts list sir, Ctrl+Y = Redo… Thanks Sir Paul!  :)


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