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Other Software > Developer's Corner

DC loads fast. What is the secret.

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Has anyone else experienced this? How did you deal with it?
-CWuestefeld (November 20, 2008, 08:44 AM)
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Yes I have had the same & there is a post on the smf forums about it.
Tidal wave of spambots attacks SMF 1.1.x - How to protect your forum

The secret is a $279 a month dedicated server.  :huh:
And it needs to be pointed out that the only reason we can afford that is because of donations from ordinary people to support the site.
-mouser (November 20, 2008, 08:26 AM)
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WOW! :o
Plus I think because the website design is sorta old school .. lol
-mitzevo (November 20, 2008, 09:12 AM)
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You gotta love the old school, distraction free, and add free look. :Thmbsup:
Why do we fail to attract nasty trolls and stupid idiots?
-f0dder (November 20, 2008, 08:54 AM)
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Ha ha! Trolls. ;D

Why do we fail to attract nasty trolls and stupid idiots?
-f0dder (November 20, 2008, 08:54 AM)
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So, you think you're free of stupid idiots, eh?

Time for another limerick, perhaps... :o

God, I swear I read "as a religious leader of DC forums" both in alivingspirit and f0dder's posts ;D

Why do we fail to attract nasty trolls and stupid idiots?
-f0dder (November 20, 2008, 08:54 AM)
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True. And this is an unacceptable situation. An Internet forum is not a true forum unless it has its share of trolls. Perhaps we should hire someone as the friendly resident troll? :P

Why do we fail to attract nasty trolls and stupid idiots?
-f0dder (November 20, 2008, 08:54 AM)
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So, you think you're free of stupid idiots, eh?

Time for another limerick, perhaps... :o
-cranioscopical (November 20, 2008, 03:48 PM)
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Hey! >:( As someone who helped create that limerick, I resemble that remark! :P


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